Artist Talk Taxonomies of Power: A Conversation on the State Silk Museum, Tbilisi

Attributed to Misha Mendelevich. Courtesy State Silk Museum, Tbilisi. Attributed to Misha Mendelevich. Courtesy State Silk Museum, Tbilisi.

Tue, 06/04/2024

10:00 AM


Mishkin Gallery, Baruch College (CUNY): Artist Talk with Olaf Nicolai

In 2022, artist Olaf Nicolai was invited to investigate the archives of the State Silk Museum, Tbilisi, when he came across a rare collection of microscopic glass plate negatives. With the help of curator Nina Akhvlediani, DINEBA, Goethe-Institut and the British Library, the plates were digitized and transformed into the publication SERI(a). In early 2024, the images were printed for the first time and presented at Mishkin Gallery, Baruch College (CUNY) by the co-curators Alaina Claire Feldman and Mariam Shergelashvili, re-contextualized within an academic setting and with a new film by Georgian artist Andro Eradze. This online talk brings together Nicolai, Akhvlediani, Feldman, and Shergelashvili to discuss the evocative draw of the photographs, their legacy today, and their tentative future. This event will be recorded and is in collaboration with Goethe-Insititut New York.
