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Opencall Happy at home© Goethe-Institut Hanoi

Happy @ Home ?
Cu Thi Minh Trang

Cu Thi Minh Trang © Cu Thi Minh Trang Mia (*1992) works non-commercially as illustrator; she runs art business shop and is co-founder of a store that sells handcrafted art products by local artists.

Concept of her work

2020 is a strange year. In addition to the delays and disruptions in life, there are also many rare occasions such as: being "home", living in a safe country, and meeting family and friends. But "home" can have many other meanings as well.

Werk von Cu Thi Minh Trang © Goethe-Institut Hanoi

“Home” - The world

The problems of the planet in general, and of humans in particular, arise from the imbalance from the inside. The wealth that was turned into garbage and materialized from there, people cry for it, but continue to lose balance, creating many new layoffs, weaknesses and futility.
Someone said, in peaceful places today: (1) people really don't need anything more, humanity has almost everything they want, and (2) most of us are already happy, but we still want the things we don't really want and forget about the things we already have; to lose ourselves and then find them again and repeat lessons we have known for a long time.
To save the world, we must first balance ourselves.

"Home" - The "living" room

Going out is necessary for making contacts, but "home" is also the place where we can think of many things, where most of the games are, and it is also the most effective place where we find out what we really need. Cleaning and maintaining the house is like clearing the mind - resting and being strictly self-reflective. Maybe we didn’t “stuck” at home, but “returned” to it. Something like, “Go home, home is enough, don't cause any more problems ...”?

"Home" - The person

In every cell that makes us there is enormous information about life, about the way we are supposed to live and about the finest desire to "want to live". Modern people are essentially independent beings, so they must be responsible for their own selfishness. We don't expect others to fill us up, nor do we necessarily fear being lonely. While no one is perfect, we must not stop absorbing the parts that contain important lessons and information, serve and create new messages. There is a place deep in everyone's heart where we always exist alone. Only when we know how to feel happy in this central "home", love and life-sustaining resources can continue to be reborn.
