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HAN SFF 2021© Goethe-Institut Hanoi

22.10. - 31.12.2021
Workshops on the topic of "Health"

HAN 10.12.2021 WORKSHOP "INTERNET PRIVACY - PUBLIC OR ONLY ME?"© Goethe-Institut Hanoi


10.12.2021, 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM

Registration for workshop
"When was the last time you considered before sharing something on social media? Currently, the problem of sharing and using user data is becoming a concern. Privacy is often guaranteed by the concept of individual or community, public or just me. But none of us can be sure that what we share will be in the range we want. Especially for the young generation, finding privacy online in the digital age, rapidly evolving technology seems impossible. The movies on this topic that SFF brings will help us better understand Internet Privacy, how to protect ourselves from the vulnerabilities of cyberspace - where private information can leak out at any time."

Film screenings

24. What Body is This? Ariel and Dandara - Internet Privacy
31. Digital vs. Real - Infodemic: The Onslaught of Fake News
