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Miriam Hollstein, Heiko Sakurai
Miss Tschörmanie

erste Konflikte mit der Staatsmacht und ...
Source: Eichborn/Hollstein/Sakurai © welt.de

Miss Tschörmänie: Wie aus Angie unsere Kanzlerin wurde © Eichborn Angela Merkel was elected German Chancellor in 2005. Since then, she has been confirmed in this office three times by free elections. This comic looks back at her life until 2009. She grew up in the socialist part of Germany (GDR) and rose politically to the most powerful woman in Germany after reunification (1991). But throughout her life, she remained true to herself, including her style of power: little actionism, good nerves and the ability to ultimately transform apparent defeats. „Fascinating about Merkel is not her success, but her successful avoidance of failures. (Die Welt 04/10/2020)

Miriam Hollstein (* 1970, Karlsruhe) studied journalism and romanistis at the Free University of Berlin as well as cinematography and political geography at the Université de Montréal in Canada. She now works as chief reporter for the Bild am Sonntag.

Heiko Sakurai (*1971, Recklinghausen) studied German lanhuage and literature, history and politics in Münster. He has worked as a freelance cartoonist since 1998. Angela Merkel is one of favorite characters for caricature. 

About the Novel
Publishing year 2009
Publishing house Eichborn
Pages 64
ISBN 978-3-8218-6063-3
Signature 741.5 Hol
Link to the OPAC* https://hanoi.bibliothek.goethe.de/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=3882&shelfbrowse_itemnumber=3600#holdings
Trial reading https://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article4038115/Im-Comic-wird-Angela-Merkel-Miss-Tschoermaenie.html#cs-merkelcartoon-titel-DW-Vermischtes-BERLIN-jpg.jpg
* OPAC: Online Public Access Catalogue of the Goethe-Institut Hanoi  
