Exhibition Opening

Photo: Julian Slagman - Vergissmeinnicht, www.guteaussichten.org

On the Edge of the Rainbow: Speaking about Images with Images

Goethe-Institut Hanoi

“And as much as I’d like to believe there’s a truth beyond illusion, I’ve come to believe that there’s no truth beyond illusion. Because, between ‘reality’ on the one hand, and the point where the mind strikes reality, there’s a middle zone, a rainbow edge where beauty comes into being, where two very different surfaces mingle and blur to provide what life does not: and this is the space where all art exists, and all magic. And—I would argue as well—all love.”

Donna Tartt

The Goldfinch (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 2013), 863.

For the first time in Vietnam, the Goethe-Institut Hanoi presents the exhibition “gute aussichten – new german photography” with 53 excellent works of 8 prize winners in the most prestigious competition for young photographers in Germany 2017/2018.

Through eight stories behind all these images, an exciting journey with unforgettable experiences "on the edge of the rainbow" is promised for those who share their love for photography. A Japanese woman who lives in Germany re-constructs the stories of Japanese and German families; a collector of images whose family originally came from Holland describes photography as a member of his family; the son of Portuguese parents who was born in Germany examines Portugal by following his childhood memories “from the back seat.” A photographer who was born in rural Germany sets out in search of the future; an artist who was born in Uzbekistan but has been based in Germany since she was twenty focuses on Germans whose parents are immigrants and who do not appear to be “German.” An alchemist reveals the magical world of an everyday object in her dark room; a young man looks for images to express the unspeakable; a young woman shows us how constructed our reality is in an almost painful way.

These photographers have one thing in common: the key to their worlds of images lies solely in our imagination. In other words, it is far away from our supposed reality, thus opening our senses to the unknown.

At the opening, two renowned German photographers will be present: Rebecca Simpson and Jewgeni Roppel. They will introduce into the exhibition "Gute Aussichten".

Rebecca Sampson (*1984), the winner of gute Aussichten – New German Photography 2011 and gute Aussichten Deluxe 2017, studied photography in Berlin at the Fotoschule Schiffbauerdamm and the Ostkreuzschule for Photography & Design. Since 2009 her photos have been are exhibited in Europe, India, Mexico and the USA.

Jewgeni Roppel (*1983), the winner of gute Aussichten – New German Photography 2015 and 2016, studied visual communication in Hildesheim and graphic design at the University of Wiscosin, Stout in the US[EW1] . He hoilds two Master degress, from Burg Giebichenstein Halle and the University of Bielefeld.Since 2009 his works have been exhibited in 65 solo and group exhibitions in Asia, Europe, the Mideast, the US. Roppel contributes to several magazines, such as Die Zeit, Der Spiegel, Camera Austria etc
 [EW1]Ort ? oder unI.


gute aussichten – new german photography is a project set up in 2004 by Josefine Raab and Stefan Becht as a private initiative in support of talented young photographers. The annual competition is the core activity of the project to showcase the final portfolios submitted to all German universities, universities of applied sciences and academies offering a photography degree course. A maximum of five projects per institution are eligible for entry to the competition. The winners, who are selected by a jury of well-known experts, can look forward to a public launch in a wide range of exhibitions, promotional campaigns and media. During the twelve years since the launch, the activities have been constantly expanded. According to SPIEGEL magazine, gute aussichten is “Germany’s most renowned competition for young photographers”.




Goethe-Institut Hanoi

56-58-60 Nguyen-Thai-Hoc-Str., Ba Dinh

+84 24 37342251 (Ext. 14) thuha.dang@goethe.de