“The Magic Flute”

Opera: “The Magic Flute”
Photo: @HBSO

The world-famous opera in full length and original language for the first time in Ho Chi Minh City, presented by HBSO.

Opera House Ho Chi Minh City

Papageno wants Papagena – Tamino wants Pamina. But there is no easy way to love! Every single protagonist has to pass a difficult exam: they either have to choose between murder and suicide, abstain from meat and drink or even from speaking and singing. The only helpful tool they have got along their dangerous way is a magic flute and a carillon.
The Magic Flute which premiered in Vienna in 1791 is one of the most well-known operas in the world. To this day, first visitors and experienced opera visitors alike are fascinated by the performance. The music was created by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the most famous son of the city Salzburg. The actor and writer Emanuel Schikaneder wrote the libretto to The Magic Flute. For the first time now, the opera in two acts will be performed in full length and in original language in Ho-Chi-Minh-City. The opera will be directed by David Hermann and conducted by Trần Nhật Minh in a German-Vietnamese cooperation.

The Franco-German opera director David Hermann studied stage direction at the University for Music ‘Hanns Eisler’ in Berlin. In 2000 he won the first prize in the International Competition for staging and scenography in Graz. Since then David Hermann has worked for numerous German opera houses in Berlin, Nürnberg, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt and many more. Furthermore he has directed several operas abroad, among others at the Salzburg Festival – as the youngest director to date - and at the theater of Luzern, the National Opera House of Amsterdam, in Nancy and at the Teatro Real in Madrid.

Trần Nhật Minh graduated in conducting at the National Conservatory of Magnitogorsk, the National Tschaikowski-Conservatory in Moscow and the Academy of Conductors of Milan. He received the second prize in the International Competition of Young Conductors in Wladiwostok in 2003. He already conducted in Russia, France, Italy and other countries. Trần Nhật Minh is choir leader and vice-head of the opera of the HCMC Ballet Symphony Orchestra and Opera (HBSO). In 2009 he was awarded Best Conductor at the National Competition for Singing, Dancing and Music in Vietnam.

Tickets are already available at the HBSO office (opera house) and online starting from 22.4 on ticketbox.vn, www.hbso.org.vn – www.facebook.com/hbsovn or by calling: 08.3823.7419 (E - V); Ms. Ly: 0903.604.539 (E - V)


Opera House Ho Chi Minh City

7 Lam Son Square, District 1
Ho Chi Minh City

Price: 800.000 – 650.000 – 550.000 – 400.000 – 150.000 VNĐ (reduced admission fee only for students)

+84 8 36009587 prog@saigon.goethe.org