The three approaches developed in Hanoi for a new interpretation of Truyện Kiều

Nang Kieu 09.11
© Goethe-Institut Hanoi

Repetition due to the great demand

Youth theater Hanoi

Truyện Kiều is considered to be the single most important work of Vietnamese literature. The beauty of its language and the vast array of extreme life situations and hopes in this narrative, the miraculous rescue of Kieu and restoration of her life in dignity form an integral part of Vietnam's intellectual cultural heritage.
In appreciation of the translation and in veneration of the original and the poet Nguyen Du, the Goethe-Institut has invited four directors to unfold their original and fresh approaches to this subject matter. For the epic heritage of an epic lives on only if it passes the test of time again and again.

What makes the text and its artistic promise of reconciliation with the world still relevant today?
Which image of women is unfolded in the epic?
Today's reader wonders if the female image of Nguyen Du’s KIEU is still relevant today. What has changed in the last decades?
How does this effect the approach to bring Truyện Kiều to the stage today?

The theatre evening premiered on 12.10.2019 and was shown in Ho Chi Minh City on 20.10.2019. For cost reasons, the performance on 09.11.2019 does not include the guest performance production Ho Chi Minh City.


Youth theater Hanoi

Ngo Thi Nham Str. 11, Hai Ba Trung

Language: Vietnamese – without translation
Price: Ticket available at Youth Theater
Tickets online here.

+84 24 2240 9025 | 024 3943 4673