
Lotus 2
© Goethe-Institut Hanoi

Postponed to 2021

Goethe-Institut Hanoi

The project is initiated by Le Thanh Tung
Visual will be VJing by Le Thanh Tung
Music will be performed by Tri Minh

In the past few months, beside the destructive effect on human health and worldwide economy, Covid-19 has been taking lots of opportunities and working space of many artists.
From this standpoint, the function of art is to bring multiple perspectives to the audiences. Not to mention, those perspectives need to deliver positive vibes.
Bearing that in mind, the visual artist Nguyen Thanh Tung created LOTUS, a graphic design work which is interactive with real-time updating worldwide data on Covid-19.
The performance will be accompanied by music and sound performance by the composer and performance artist Trí Minh as a healing for damaged energy. Also, font Keep Calm was used with this incentive.
In this artistic collaboration, the real-time database from WHO will be used to interact with LOTUS.
Tri Minh

Tri Minh © © Nguyễn Minh Sơn Tri Minh © Nguyễn Minh Sơn
is a composer, pianist, electronic musician, DJ instructor, music producer and festival director.
He began his career as a performing artist in the early 1990s and has been experimenting with electronic music both as a soloist and in collaborations with international performing artists in Vietnam and Europe since the late 1990s.
In the mid and late 2000s, Tri Minh started sampling his own recordings and sounds, mixing in and performing with various constellations of traditional and later also classical Vietnamese artists. In recent years, Tri Minh has also been composing for documentary and short films.
Le Thanh Tung (a.k.a CRAZY MONKEY)

Crazy Monkey © © Crazy Monkey Crazy Monkey © Crazy Monkey
is a visual artist based in Ho Chi Minh City. 
Experimenting with Illustration, Vjing, and Audio Visual Installation, Crazy Monkey turns his imagination into playful, ironic, and surreal elements with unique style in his work. Crazy Monkey has also contributed to numerous installations and street art projects across Southeast Asia and Europe. He performed live video and Interactive Visual in forms of VJing (Visual Jockey) and founded BOX ( a.k.a The Box Collective ) a Creative Visual Studio.


Goethe-Institut Hanoi

56-58-60 Nguyen-Thai-Hoc-Str., Ba Dinh

Price: Postponed to 2021

Part of series Culture Lab