Book Launch

HAN 07.05.2022 19:30 Uhr Woyzeck
© Goethe-Institut Hanoi

An event as part of the European Literature Day

Offline at the Goethe-Institut Hanoi and Online via Zoom

A good murder, a real murder, a beautiful murder
WOYZECK – by Georg Büchner
translation and opportunities for theater in Vietnam

Lecture with scenic reading from the Vietnamese version of the work with the participation of
Dr. Truong Hong Quang and actors from the Hanoi Youth Theater.

Zoom Link to the book launch
ID: 849 1312 9839
Passcode: Gi!2022

Registration to participate

WOYZECK is a drama fragment by the German playwright and poet Georg Büchner from the early 19th century. WOYZECK was brought to the screen many times, and inspired Alban Berg to write his opera WOZZECK. As a stage play, it is still interpreted and performed as a contemporary drama by the best theaters in Germany and many other countries. What fascinates composers, directors, interpreters and actors about Büchner's plays to this day is the rich choice of material and the psychological drawing of the characters, as well as the adaptability of the texts to our modern times.

Synopsis: The simple soldier Franz Woyzeck, who tries to support financially his girlfriend Marie and their illegitimate child, works as a low-ranking soldier for his captain. In order to earn additional income on top of his meager wages, which he hands over in full to Marie, he has a doctor put him on a pea diet for experimental purposes. The captain and doctor not only exploit Woyzeck physically and psychologically, they also humiliate him in public.

When Marie secretly begins an affair with a drum major and Woyzeck's burgeoning suspicions are confirmed, he thinks he hears inner voices ordering him to kill the faithless Marie. Because he doesn't have enough money to buy a gun, he gets a knife, takes Marie on an evening walk into the nearby forest and stabs her there on the shore of a lake.

Georg Büchner (1813-1837) - Author

Georg Büchner was a German dramatist and writer of poetry and prose. He was also a revolutionary and the brother of physician and philosopher Ludwig Büchner. His literary achievements are held in great esteem.

Dr. phil. Trương Hồng Quang (*1959) - Translator

Dr. phil. Trương Hồng Quang © © Privat Dr. phil. Trương Hồng Quang © Privat
Truong Hong Quang works as a freelance interpreter and translator in Berlin. He received his doctorate with a literature comparison on "Goethe's FAUST" and "Nguyen-Du's TRUYỆN KIỀU".

Schauspielerinnen und Schauspieler

Dam Hang © © Private Dam Hang © Private
Dam Hang graduated from the Vietnam Dance Academy and started her career at the Youth Theatre. Besides her role as a dancer, she was also invited to participate in many films in Vietnam thanks to her lovely, cinematic face and gentle and pure acting, thereby achieving many successes, leaving a good impression in the hearts of the public. Recently, Dam Hang received a lot of love from the audience when acting in the movie "The way to the flower land" released by Vietnam Television.
Besides dance and cinema, Dam Hang also has a love for the stage, she used to work at the Youth Theater Experimental Troupe to satisfy her artistic passion through various roles which requires the ability to dance combined with acting. Currently, she is an actress of the Youth Theater Troupe.

Le Ba Anh (Ba Anh) © © Private Le Ba Anh (Ba Anh) © Private
Ba Anh is a familiar face to the public in Vietnam. Graduated with a major in acting from the University of Theater and Cinema, he has had more than 20 years of artistic activity as an actor of the Youth Theater Troupe with many successes in both film and theater fields. Having acted in dozens of films and plays, large and small, until now, Ba Anh is still devoted to his acting career and regularly appears in public, he is loved by audiences of all ages.
Ba Anh has the ability to take on many roles, diverse character personalities: front, villain, naive, funny... In every role he plays, he also leaves his own mark through careful care for his character in every little detail, thereby winning many gold and silver medals in National Theater Festivals.

Huu Phuong © © Private Huu Phuong © Private
Graduating from Hanoi University of Theater and Cinema, Huu Phuong has acted in many plays on the stage of the Idecaf theater (Ho Chi Minh City) and the Youth Theater (Hanoi). Thanks to the rich experiences and accumulated experience in the process of performing arts in the two cities with the most vibrant theatrical life in Vietnam, Huu Phuong has accumulated a lot of creativity and skills in developing acting ability as well as thinking approach to art work.
With a passion for acting and a serious artistic spirit, cherishing each role no matter how big or small, Huu Phuong has so far had more than 15 years of working with the Youth Theater stage. He is often assigned to portray straight, straightforward and gentle characters in movies as well as on stage.


Offline at the Goethe-Institut Hanoi and Online via Zoom

Language: Vietnamese
Price: Free registration +84 24 32004494
Part of series German literature in Vietnamese