The filmmaker Ngo Minh Duc accompanied the protagonists of our video series at work, joined them at the market and on the golf course, on the climbing wall and in the kitchen at home. The five Vietnamese speak about their initial difficulties in Germany, about their work, their leisure activities and their future plans. And of course, also about what they like in Germany, and how important it is to learn good German.
Nguyen Thi Lien Phuong
ives in Hamburg and works as a doctor. She loves Hamburg's Fish Market, which reminds her of her native Vietnam. Phuong says Germany is a country where you can realize your dreams.
Ngo Minh Duc
Ngo Minh Duc studied in Bochum on a scholarship and now works as a computer scientist for Volkswagen. In his free time he likes to go for walks by the lake with his wife and his young son or watch soccer games with friends in the beer garden.
Nguyen Thi THU
works as a geriatric care specialist in Berlin. She takes us along to the sprawling Dong Xuan Center, a large Vietnamese market in Berlin. When she cooks Vietnamese food at home with her roommates, her German friends enjoy dropping by...
Nguyen Hong Mai
met her German boyfriend while studying electrical engineering. Today both work for Mercedes in Sindelfingen near Stuttgart. In her free time, she enjoys going climbing - just the right sport for a determined person like her.
Nguyen Hoang Trung
Nguyen Hoang Trung has lived in eight different cities in twelve years, and is currently working as a senior intraday trader in Mannheim. He likes working in an international team. If he needs a break, he particularly enjoys playing golf.