Information day Career day - Explore your future

HAN 25.05.2024 7360 © Goethe-Institut Hanoi

Sat, 25.05.2024

9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Goethe-Institut Hanoi

Opportunities for Vocational Training, Work, and Study in Germany

Are you interested in vocational training or university studies in Germany? Or do you already have a vocational qualification and can imagine working as a skilled worker in Germany? Then come to the exciting Career Day at the Goethe-Institut Hanoi on May 25th, 2024.

There are many ways to start your career in Germany. At this Career Day, the GIZ, the AHK, the DAAD and the Goethe-Institut Hanoi, together with the German Embassy, will present their multifaceted, free-of-charge programs with which you can start your journey to Germany.

In addition to personal consultation sessions, you can also take part in interactive workshops on writing job applications and job interview techniques on Career Day. The German Embassy invites you to open consultation sessions about visa applications. You can find out more about studying in Germany from the DAAD. The AHK even offers selected participants the opportunity to conduct job interviews with potential employers during career day.
And the best part? In the courtyard of the Goethe-Institut you can meet German companies and employer representatives to find out directly about specific vocational training and work opportunities. So far, the following participants from Germany have been confirmed; more will be added in the coming weeks:
  • DEHOGA Saxony-Anhalt (professions in the hotel and restaurant industry)
  • BANG Networks e.V. (metal and electrical professions)
  • Invest Region Leipzig (different professions)
There are two panel discussions being held at the Goethe-Institut’s hall:
  1. Discussing the Immigration Act for Skilled Personnel in Germany: changes, challenges, and hands-on experience
  2. Discussing fair and ethical recruiting
Representatives of the German Embassy, the German Industry and Commerce Vietnam, Goethe-Institut, GIZ, DoLAB/DoLISA as well as the hospital group Vivantes and the Landesentwicklungsgesellschaft Thüringen will be taking part in these discussions.  You will then have the opportunity to ask the experts your questions.
Since there is only a limited number of places available, we kindly ask you to register as soon as possible to take part in both discussions.

The registration link will be de-activated as soon as the maximum number of registrations has been reached.

Click here to register
Register to participate in 2 discussions Come to Career Day at the Goethe-Institut Hanoi and take the first step into your future in Germany.

