Inhabiting the Library

Goethe-Institut Library Open Call © Goethe-Institut

The Library-Gamebox-Hub invited applications to use the physical space and infrastructure to host projects, workshops, creative production, team meetings, reading groups, and other ideas that expand the possibilities and respect the limitations of the space.

Possible formats include talks, podcast, workspace, set, photography studio, rehearsal space, and venue for listening sessions, book launch, script readings, meetings, etc.

The aim of the open call is to offer the space to practitioners who are already doing the work but may need a space, those who have ideas they would like to test but limited access to necessary infrastructure, and those seeking a space to gather and discuss.

The projects include one public element to be agreed with Library-Gamebox-Hub Co-ordinators. 

The Library is open Monday to Thursday 14:00-18:00, The Library is to remain a multi-functional, open space for the duration of all projects/concepts/uses.

Introduction to Library-Gamebox-Hub

The Library-Gamebox-Hub (LGB) was conceived in 2017. The focus was to develop a space that would cater to creative, entrepreneurial and collective work. What infrastructural resources could support this vision? Following numerous workshops, discussions, and brainstorming sessions, the concept behind a multi-functional, multi-modal and shared space came to life. Each aspect of this space forms each pillar of the Information Department. The Library looks at literature on various topics from novels, poetry, German language, theatre to graphic novels. The Gamebox involves all things games development from analogue board games to consoles, PC to VR. The Hub cultivates cultural entrepreneurship, with the working space located upstairs and the cultural entrepreneurship programme that ran for six cohorts over six years. Now, the LGB is looking to revive and rejuvenate with your help.


  • Application open: 31 May 2024 
  • Application deadline: 30 June
  • Projects start: 1 August 2024
  • Short-term projects: 1-3 weeks
  • Medium-term projects: 1-2 months
  • Long term: 3-4 months

Support provided

The Library-Gamebox-Hub will choose:

One long-term concept and provide support of 15.000 ZAR
Two medium-term concepts with support of 10.000 ZAR each
Four short-term concepts with support of 7.500 ZAR each

The Goethe-Institut South Africa reserves the right to award less funding or none.


Projects to be executed on-site at Goethe-Institut, Library-Gamebox-Hub, 119 Jan Smuts Avenue, Parkwood, Johannesburg, 2193. Goethe-Institut will only provide financial support to the values and timeframes listed above. Any project budget that exceeds the value of support provided by Goethe-Institut will have to be supplemented by additional partners. The Project Leads will enter into a contractual agreement with the Goethe-Institut South Africa for the duration of the project. Goethe-Institut South Africa will give 85% of the financial support to practitioners upon signing the agreement, and the balance after finalising the project. The Project Leads are to take part in an evaluation after concluding the project to give their feedback. Goethe-Institut South Africa will document concepts as they progress for content to be published on the website and social media.

Criteria for selection

Concepts should work with one or more of the following themes:
  • Circular systems: this includes redesigning existing material, repurposing existing space and any concept that follows the principles of re-use, reducing waste production, and repurposing.
  • Creative production: this includes any concepts that speak to creative and cultural work that can be done in the LGH, within its limitations and dynamic structure.
  • Knowledge building and sharing: this includes think tanks, workshops, discussion groups, reading gatherings, etc.
  • Public engagement: each concept should include an element open to the public.

Concepts should be based on Goethe-Institut premises within the designated areas. All concepts should include a budget plan for the entire execution. All activations and engagements in the space need to allow for the existing uses of the space (library, office space, podcast recordings, game area, workspace).

Awarding Criteria

The winning concepts will be chosen based on the following criteria:
  • Efficient use of the LGH space and infrastructure: 40%
  • Practicality and feasibility of the project: 40%
  • Aligned with the LGH values of open-mindedness, daringness, collaboration and dynamism: 20%
Please see Library-Gamebox-Hub Vision, Mission and Values below.
© Goethe-Institut

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