The Sama Family

Portrait photo of the Sama Family
© Harouna Marané

Born in Côte d’Ivoire, Mr. Sama returned to Burkina Faso to settle down with his family in 2018. The family has been united by the bond of marriage since December 12, 2009. This was followed by the birth of their first son in 2010, the second in 2012, and the third in 2017. Mr. Sama was born a Muslim, converted to Christianity in 1992, and is now a pastor.

Family Concept

The family as a concept is increasingly dealt with by several researchers around the world (Calvès and Adjamagbo, 2014; Simmel, 1903; Strauss, 1983). Actually, life as a couple or family (man/woman/children) is a universal phenomenon present in all societies (Strauss, 1983). According to Le Grand Robert Dictionary, the family is the group of people united by blood or marriage and making up a family group or clan. 

Conciliation: Family Social Relationship and Visit

Born in Côte d’Ivoire, Mr. Sama returned to Burkina Faso to settle down with his family in 2018. Prior to moving to their current home in Taabtenga, their first home was in the Dassasgho neighbourhood. As a result, family visits have become rare, as one has to travel several kilometres to see the parents in the village, and even to see the brothers who stayed in Côte d’Ivoire. The family has been united by the bond of marriage since December 12, 2009, in Abidjan at the Municipal Council of Cocody, then at the Église des Assemblées de Dieu (The Church of God’s Assemblies) in the same municipality. This was followed by the birth of their first son in 2010, the second in 2012, and the third in 2017. Mr. Sama was born a Muslim, converted to Christianity in 1992, and is now a pastor.

Distribution of Daily Tasks and Education

The couple then explains how they organise themselves for daily tasks, and for the education of the children in their family.  According to them, the children’s education is a two-pronged process: the spiritual and social education. “Spiritually, we often pray with our children. However, sometimes I pray with them or my wife does it.”  There is no proper division of tasks. However, important decisions are made by the man, and often with the advice of the woman. According to them, in a Christian family, there is authority, which is represented by the man. Also, all important financial expenses are the responsibility of the man. Moreover, everyone cares about the family, health, and well-being in a reciprocal way.

Marriage Strategy and Modality

The couple confided that there is no age for marriage. However, polygamy is legalised, and it is possible to marry up to four women, especially in the Muslim religion, which is the man’s religion of origin. His current religion (Christianity) does not allow him to be polygamous. “The general family is polygamous: my brothers and cousins are all polygamous. I, as a Christian, am monogamous, because the Bible forbids me to be polygamous”.

Family, Rituals and Dwelling Places for the Elderly

For them, the elderly generally live in the village, and are more attached to traditions. They are in great demand during happy or sad events (weddings, funerals, etc.).
It should be noted that the Sama family has a specificity that makes their family life harmonious and convivial. “Our family has entrusted itself entirely to Christ. This is one of its special specificities. We try to live according to Jesus’ living model. The second specificity of our family is that for me, my family is the priority of priorities”. As in all families, the Sama family also has its love secret. What Mrs. Sama appreciates a lot from her husband is his attentive character (gifts of lipstick, beauty pencil, etc.), and his sweet words (darling) towards her.
