Jared Deppe & James Fish - FJ worX

FJ worX Founders © © FJ worX FJ worX founders © FJ worX

Who is 'FJ worX'?
Jared Deppe & James Fish

What does your business do?
We are a creative agency that works mainly in the digital space. We create visual and audio content. This content ranges from logos to 3D videos. We also do website design and development and all the fun that comes with that like SEO strategies.

What do you hope to achieve through the Hub@Goethe?
We hope to gain insight into the entrepreneurial approach of creating a business. This is a chance to network with like minded people who have the ambition to create their own piece of the pie that is business. Overall we want to better understand this journey that we are on.

How do you feel about the Hub programme being moved online?
The programme is definitely different to the experience of meeting everyone face to face. Nothing will beat the interpersonal relationship built on a strong foundation made from talking to someone directly. However, we do feel it takes more self-discipline to engage over online classes, this makes for good conditioning for what could become the norm.

What is your favourite thing to during lockdown that you didn't get to do before?
Having the ability to plan the day according to our personal schedules.