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Extensive, intensive and super-intensive courses

Ein junger Mann sitzt in einem hellen, freundlichen Büro am Schreibtisch und tippt in ein Laptop.
  • Real life situations and phrases
  • 1 – 5 sessions per week
  • Learn in a group

Learn German with the pros: The Goethe Institut offer Online courses, Blended courses (German Course with online component) and Super-Intensive courses. Once you have taken our placement test, you will start a course at the level that is right for you. If you have no previous knowledge of German, you will automatically enroll for an A1 course.

Our courses

Intensive Courses

  • 90 teaching units
  • 10 weeks
  • 1 classroom session per week

Super-Intensive Courses

  • 120 teaching units
  • 4 weeks
  • 5 classroom sessions per week

Aiming for a specific goal?

A young woman is sitting on a sofa. She is taking part in an online meeting and wearing a headset.

Individual Courses

Learn German online, at the institute or in your company - simple and effective. Only you and your course instructor and with a timetable adjusted to your schedule.

Ein Student arbeitet konzentriert am Laptop und macht Notizen. Im Hintergrund sind Bücherregale zu sehen.

Exam Preparation

Prepare for your exam with a focus on the exam syllabus.

Any questions? +27 11 442 3232 We are here to help: JOH-Learngerman@goethe.de