Professional development in South Africa

The Goethe-Institut South Africa is committed to the professional development of German teachers. To this end, we offer various courses in the field of German as a foreign language:
We regularly offer free in-service training in both online and face-to-face formats. The offers, which are aimed specifically at German teachers in the primary and secondary school sector, include one-day training courses in the South African provinces, the multi-day German Teachers' Conference, the global training programme "Learning to Teach German" as well as online seminars and free information on  training courses via an e-mail distribution list.

The Goethe-Institut South Africa regularly organises regional training courses and seminars for German as a foreign language, which take place in the provinces of Gauteng, Free State, KwaZulu Natal and Western Cape. Multipliers trained as trainers conduct the training content in the four provinces.
The regularly four-day German Teachers' Conference takes place in cooperation with the German Teachers' Association of Southern Africa (DLV), the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Central Agency for Schools Abroad (ZfA) and other local partners.

If you would like to take part in our training offers, please send us your e-mail address to We will then inform you regularly about the exact dates. We will then inform you regularly about the exact dates and forward you useful information on the topic of German as a foreign language.




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