Homo Riot
I draw dicks and make playlists.
Homo Riot
Just like the rest of the LGBTQ-community, Homo Riot was horrified by this development and, together with his boyfriend, he joined the No on 8-campaign in order to fight for the legalization of same-sex marriage. When it turned out that most of the population supported Proposition 8, Homo Riot decided to take his rage to the street and spread his art everywhere he could. His works bluntly featured homosexuality in combination with aggressive motives. “It was initially a ‘fuck you’ to the general public for not supporting our rights,” Homo Riot describes on his website. After some time, however, it turned out that his works were not only a provocation but also created a feeling of support and solidarity amongst the LGBTQ-community. He was surprised by the positive message he accidentally conveyed. After the events surrounding the Proposition 8 campaign, Homo Riot continued his mission – to encourage the dialogue about equality, gay pride and homosexual love – and spread his art worldwide. Sometimes, his works are still being disfigured or destroyed by opponents. Homo Riot hopes for a bigger community of homosexual street artists in order to achieve a better balance in the street art motives and to improve the tolerance and support for the LGBTQ-community.
- Homoriot.com
- Proposition 8 (Wiki)
- Homogram
- Homotweet