This guide is for teachers of German as a foreign language who want to produce their own short film in German with their classes. It's a step by step guide on how a film is made: from the film idea to the editing of the film material.
Students will learn:
how to write an exposé
which preparations are necessary
which different tasks there are in a film team
In addition to many other practical tips on filming, there are worksheets and a small film glossary.
The students learn the basics of screenwriting. They will:
learn about techniques and organizational processes of a film production
learn about the different tasks and functions in a film team
apply what they have learned creatively and realize their own short film
use the German language in an authentic learning situation.
The guide was developed as part of the short film competition Abgedreht! organized by the Goethe-Institut in cooperation with the University of Television and Film (HFF) Munich.
Arbeitsblätter und Hinweise für Lehrende (deutsch)