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Vocabulary posters

  • Number of downloads:286654
Goethe-Institut Niederlande

Three vocabulary posters on the themes: "Summer", "Night" and "Nature". The vocabulary posters are accompanied by materials that can be downloaded, printed and created as needed.

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Goethe-Institut Niederlande


Dutch and German are closely related as languages and share many similarities, especially vocabulary. In order to encourage teachers and learners of German to discover these similarities and make active use of them when learning German, the Goethe-Institut Netherlands has published three vocabulary posters under the motto "so close" on these themes:


They feature around 25 German words that are very similar to the corresponding Dutch words.

The vocabulary posters are accompanied by materials that can be downloaded, printed out, and created as needed. Most of these materials, as well as the vocabulary posters, are suitable for all regions because they are in German. Some are bilingual German-Dutch.

The vocabulary posters are also available as postcards and can be ordered free of charge from the Goethe-Institut Netherlands:



Local content

The vocabulary posters are also available as postcards and can be ordered free of charge. 


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