Panel Discussion  Artistic Intelligence: Creativity Between Man and Machine

Dennis Kastrup, Jessica Huelgas, Suzanne Kite, and Boris Eldagsen Photos: © Dennis Kastrup, © Jessica Huelgas, © Rita Taylor, © Jan Sobottka

In this online discussion, artists and thinkers question how human and artificial intelligence can work together, how creativity and creative processes are evolving, and whether concepts like originality and forgery still apply. The panel, moderated by journalist and AI expert Dennis Kastrup, includes photomedia artist Boris Eldagsen, physics professor Jessica Huelgas, and multidisciplinary artist Suzanne Kite.

Presented by Gegenüber, the transatlantic magazine of the Goethe-Institut in North America

“One must be prepared for the fact that such great innovations will change the entire technique of the arts, thereby influencing invention itself and perhaps ultimately changing the concept of art itself in the most magical way.” 

Walter Benjamin prefaced his essay “The Work of Art in the Age of its Technical Reproducibility” with this quote from Paul Valéry. Both texts were written in the 1930s and are characterized by the then-new artistic media of photography and film.  

90 years later, we ask ourselves how human and artificial intelligence work together, how creativity and creative processes are changing as a result, and whether categories such as originality and forgery still apply. What new horizons are opening up?

Watch the full discussion here:


Boris Eldagsen is a photomedia artist and has been exhibiting internationally in institutions and at festivals since 2000. He has been teaching at international art academies since 2004. In April 2023, he declined the Sony World Photography Awards (Open Category/Creative) and admitted that he had entered an AI-generated image to test the conditions of photography competitions and to initiate a debate about the relationship between AI-generated images and photography.  

Jessica Huelgas is a professor for physics at the Faculty of Science of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and specializes in modern algorithms. She is the founder of Brain, a consulting firm for companies that want to use artificial intelligence. Jessica also participated in the Goethe-Institut's AI to Amplify program as part of the Healthy AI Fighters team, which was selected to present its prototype in Johannesburg.  She is particularly committed to inclusivity, fairness, and gender equality in the use of AI. 

Suzanne Kite is an indigenous multidisciplinary artist from the Oglala Lakota tribe, originally from Southern California. Her work is characterized by a willingness to negotiate connections, not only between the arts but especially between the traditional cultural heritage of artists and the “developed” world of today and tomorrow — between humans and nonhumans, natural and artificial beings.     

Moderated by  

Dennis Kastrup is a freelance journalist who works in Berlin and Montreal for Deutschlandfunk, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Dlf Nova, Westdeutscher Rundfunk, 1Live, Norddeutscher Rundfunk, Bayrischer Rundfunk, and Radio Canada, among others. He is the co-owner of the agency for creative technologies Wicked Artists, presenter at SXSW and Reeperbahn Festival, among others. He focuses on artificial intelligence, robotics, VR/AR, and blockchain. He also produces a podcast on these topics: The Illiac Suite — Music and Artificial Intelligence. Is acquainted with Boy George and has a cat called Fritz.  

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