panel discussion series Artistic work in Exile

Artistic Work in Exile © Goethe-Institut im Exil

Fri, 19.05.2023

5:30 PM

ACUD Studio

Reflecting different international conflict zones (e.g. in Afghanistan and in Ukraine) and protest movements (e.g. in Iran) and the resulting migration movements that also affect artists, this panel discussion will address the consequences of exile for artistic and curatorial processes. How do exiled artists and curators organise themselves in their host countries’ cultural landscapes, what does artistic and curatorial work mean in such a context?

Both the international perspective (Belarus, Iran, Syria,Afghanistan) and the German context play an important role in this discussion. What are the challenges which exiled artists and curators face in German cultural institutions? Is it even possible for sustainable solidarity to emerge?


Rania Mlehi, dramaturge Kammerspiele München)
Taheri Hashemi, actress Ensemble Nationaltheater Weimar
eeefff, artist collective


Ozi Ozar, performance artist activist, blogger
