The Project

The Goethe-Institut in Exile is a meeting place, discourse space and stage for artists and cultural workers who are no longer able to work in their home countries due to war and censorship.

Tasks and objectives

In recent years, cultural institutions such as the Goethe-Institut have repeatedly been forced to close or relocate their work. In countries such as Ukraine, Afghanistan, Syria, Belarus and Sudan, important spaces for international exchange, art, culture, dissent and critical discourse have been lost. Artists and partners with whom the Goethe-Institut has worked for many years have been forced to leave their home countries.  
On behalf of those Goethe-Instituts worldwide that are no longer able to operate in their host countries, or only to a limited extent, the Goethe-Institut in Exile project, which was launched in October 2022, aims to provide a platform and a space for encounters and dialogue. The aim is to strengthen existing networks and forge new civil society links at an international level. In this way, important regional and global discourses are continued and made visible and audible.   

The programme of the Goethe-Institut in Exile is based on country focuses, but also includes events or activities related to current situations on the subject of art and culture in exile. The focus is on performances, film programmes, readings, concerts, exhibitions, discussions, workshops, networking events and longer-term collaborations by and with artists and cultural practitioners who have experienced exile.   
The regular programme of events mainly takes place at the Berlin Kunsthaus ACUD, where the Goethe-Institut in Exile's project office is located. In addition, programme items are also held at other venues in Germany, internationally and digitally. In this way, the international work of the Goethe-Institut can also be experienced in Germany and beyond. You can find out more in our calendar of events.

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