Workshop Zine Workshop day 2

What's Afghan Punk Rock, anyway? © ggggrimes

Sun, 02.07.2023

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Kunsthaus ACUD

with Armeghan Taheri

In this zine workshop we will explore how to access our creativity by drawing from all the tools, inspirations and memories that already lie within us. We will learn how to create a small zine and experiment with what it means to artistically communicate something we want to express politically. Under the heading "Future" we will draw, write and collage a zine to get an idea of what we want to abolish in order to create something new or vice versa.  
Most importantly, we will use the time to return to the playful and create a familiar collective space. The zines that are created within this framework can serve young girls and women as a tool for rebellion, empowerment, political communication and freedom of expression.  
No previous knowledge or experience is required. The room has space for 7 participants aged between 12 and 20.
The workshop will be led by Armeghan Taheri.

Armeghan Taheri (aka Robin Hoe) is a writer, artist and editor. She is the founder of "Afghan Punk" - a multilingual community magazine in Berlin that creatively connects liberation struggles through storytelling. In her artistic practice, she works to break down structurally imposed boundaries of language, art and politics. She is currently writing as a fellow of the Stiftung Künstlerdorf Schöppingen. Armeghan is part of the curatorial team at the Goethe-Institut in Exile's country focus on Afghanistan.
