Video workshop Mourning Morning: Making paper flowers with Razalina Busel

Mourning Morning: Razalina Busel © Nihad Nino Pušija

Sat, 23.03.2024

5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Lady Liberty

Creating paper flowers with Razalina Busel

The work Mourning Morning is part of Razalina Busel's long-term project Borders and Restrictions, in which the artist processes her experiences of migration and resettlement. In her work, black carnations symbolize mourning and borderline situations, such as the end of a life in one place and a new beginning in another.

Mourning Morning - Razalina Busel © Wojciech Chrubasik, BWA Wrocław

This workshop will show how to create carnations from simple materials such as crepe paper and wire. Visitors will be guided through the creative process with step-by-step instructions and given the opportunity to design their own carnation as a symbol of grief and sorrow or other emotions. While the flowers are being made, all participants are invited to reflect on tragic moments and difficulties they are currently facing.

All materials will be provided for the workshop participants. 
