Hans Ulrich Obrist

Hans Ulrich Obrist ©Kalpesh Lathigra Hans Ulrich Obrist (born 1968, Zurich, Switzerland) is Artistic Director of the Serpentine Galleries in London. Prior to this, he was the Curator of the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris. Since his first show “World Soup” (The Kitchen Show) in 1991, he has curated more than 300 shows.


My favourite AI in culture project at the moment is… Pierre Huyghe’s Uumwelt which will be shown at LUMA Arles in 2021.

By 2030 I would like to have an AI app which… defines the ethics of our machines

My worst AI nightmare is… that the existential threat is real.

The future of AI needs… to address consciousness. If we don’t know what consciousness is, how can we qualify intelligence?

Hans Ulrich Obrist's contribution: "Making the invisible visible: Art meets AI"