Mein Weg nach Deutschland© Alina Holtmann / Maridav

Mein Weg nach Deutschland

Free integration programs

If you have already applied for a visa or are already living in Germany, the Welcome Coaches at six Goethe-Instituts in Germany offer free events to help you get off to a good start in Germany and integrate successfully into everyday and working life.

Free integration programmes

If you have already applied for a visa or are already living in Germany, the Welcome Coaches at six Goethe-Instituts in Germany offer free events to help you get off to a good start in Germany and integrate successfully into everyday and working life.

Free integration programmes

Deutschland sehen und hören

Sie möchten Deutschland auf verschiedene Arten kennenlernen? Hier können Sie Videos sehen und Podcasts hören. Sie finden hier Geschichten von Menschen, die nach Deutschland gekommen sind.

Jiyan li Alemanya

Hûnê di demeke nêzîk de biçin Almanya an jî hûn li Alemanyayê ne? Hûn dikarin li vira agahiyên li ser jiyana li Almanya bibînin.

Almanî hînbibe

Hûn dixwazin almanî hînbibin? Li vir hûn dikarin fîlm û wêneyan tevî hîndariyan, lîstik û xilmetên/şulên li ser jiyana li Almanyayê bibînin.

Alîkarî dîtin

Pirsên we li ser jîyana li Almanya hene an jî alîkarî dixwazin? Hûn dikarin li vir têkîlîyan bibînin: nediyarkirî li ser înternetê yan jî rasterast li bajarê we.

Alîkarî dîtin

Pirsên we li ser jîyana li Almanya hene an jî alîkarî dixwazin? Hûn dikarin li vir têkîlîyan bibînin: nediyarkirî li ser înternetê yan jî rasterast li bajarê we.

You see the face of a young woman sitting in front of a building and looking serious. © Goethe-Institut

Infohäuser (infohouses)

35 Infohäuser (infohouses) will be set up at various locations in Germany. There you can get information about living and working in Germany and practice German. You can also make contact with other people.



35 Infohäuser (infohouses) will be set up at various locations in Germany. There you can get information about living and working in Germany and practice German. You can also make contact with other people.

Is there an Infohaus near you?
Graphic map of Germany with the locations of the info houses marked on it Grafik: Carolin Eitel © Goethe-Institut