Creation of trust is a project aiming to reflect the relationship between a buyer and a seller, inspired by fresco painting by Italian artist Michelangelo.
It illustrates the Biblical creation narrative from the Book of Genesis in which God gives life to Adam, the first man, and trading gave life to economy the first line to fulfill the needs of those living and operating within it.
When it comes to transactions, it’s all built on creating trust between both parties. Where the seller provides a trusted quality product/service, and the buyer provides a trusted valuable currency with the respect of importance of both roles in community.
Between me and you there is an unbreakable tie,
trust and a lasting unbreachable pledge
My strength and my strength’s origin, my friend,
are your full baskets filled with goods.
You have come to us with guaranteed wares,
and everyone has hovered and gathered around you
hoping for their livelihood’s supplies from you
while you pursue profit from the business.
Everyone in this trade is a winner,
everyone in this exchange is a beneficiary.
My friend, listen to the news
and know certainly what we pursue and expect.
If your price is right, you will receive [our] satisfaction;
satisfaction always carries all the good.
And the best quality is a solid foundation,
and without it hatred and harm occur.
And reveal defects, if you seek integrity
for honesty prevents all cheating and deception.
Do not deny selling to us to increase
prices one day intending to monopolize.
And know that you have rights on us,
such as being handed the compensation and the price.
And finding full respect from the people;
there is no difference or discrimination between occupations.
You are given absolving cash
and receive money at the same time
without stalling payment and humiliation
for the buyer is entrusted with that.
So let us build a strong trust between us
and protect it to preserve it whatever happens.