Nezar Moqbel

Nezar Moqbel ©private

Nezar Moqbel

Nizar Moqbel is a photographer and independent filmmaker from Yemen. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Radio and Television from the Faculty of Mass Communication - Sana'a University. His photo articles were published in several magazines and digital platforms: (“An article on Yemeni street life-VICE” which was published in six languages, “An article on the historic Ashrafieh mosque, and an article on Al-Arqoub’s isolation in Al-Mahweet Governorate- Al-Madaniya Magazine” Finally, a photo album on the idea of reviving The name of Happy Yemen - AJ + Arabic platform. Nizar participated in many local and international exhibitions, the latest of which are: "The Happy Yemen Exhibition" in Austria, and the "Yemeni Day" exhibition in Berlin/Germany. Nizar has worked for several local authorities and international organizations and companies, such as: AJ+ Arabi - Human Appeal Organization - Fish Eye Media.

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