Fahed Alkafarna

Fahed Alkafrana © private

Fahed Alkafarna

Fahed Alkafrana is a Palestinian poet. He was born in Gaza on October 30, 1992. He obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Law from the Faculty of Law at Al-Azhar University, Gaza in 2015. Member of a dynamic office for lawyers in the northern Gaza governorate. The poet wrote his first text and called it a poem while he was in the early middle school. He was awarded the title of Dean of the Arabic Pen in a competition at the level of the Arab world, which was set up by the International Union of Arab Writers, represented by its president, Ambassador Dr. Muhammad Abu Al-Nasr. He won first place in Qom Ya Qalam competition, which was held in the Gaza Strip. He obtained several certificates in poetry courses, and other courses documented by the Palestinian Ministry of Culture. He holds the position of Vice President of the Sun of Creativity Center, and he is a member of a large number of cultural centers operating in the country.

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