Photo by Jeremy Yap on Unsplash

Checker Tobi - The Milk Check

Sekolah Dasar (9-11 Tahun)

Tema Fokus:
2018 Revolusi Makanan

When we are born, our first meal is milk. This is not only the case for us humans, but for all mammals. Tobi explores what exactly is in milk and how does the milk get to the supermarket. South of Lake Chiemsee, dairy farmer Jakob makes sure that milk is replenished every day - or more accurately perhaps, his cows make sure. Equipped with a stool and a jug, Tobi tries his luck at milking. But Hilde, Bummerl and the other cows, are not at all in the mood to be milked by the inexperienced Checker. Together with laboratory assistant Julia, Tobi also finds out what milk is actually made out of in a dairy in southern Bavaria.

  • Kategori Edutainment Keluarga

  • Judul Asli Checker Tobi – Der Milch-Check
  • Sutradara Marion Keienburg
  • Diproduksi oleh Megaherz Film und Fernsehen GmbH
  • Durasi 25:00 Menit
  • Negara Jerman
  • Tahun 2015

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