The Universe

Black holes

“Einstein’s theory of relativity is just a provisional theory”

YouTuber DoktorWhatson spoke to winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics, Reinhard Genzel, about Einstein, black holes and having the courage to take risks.


Interstellar – Science-Fiction?

Black holes, singularity, 5th dimension? YouTuber Doktor Whatson talks to Dr Silke Britzen (Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy) and Dr Frank Ohme (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics) about how realistically the plot and individual scenes are portrayed in the film.

Does the Universe have a consciousness?

Does the Universe have a consciousness?

Do the events of the Universe just follow the laws of nature, or is there maybe a will, a consciousness that controls everything, behind it? What can be inferred from the movements of the stars? Harald Lesch takes a trip into the world of metaphysics.

Human History

Migration – where do Europeans come from?

Migration – where do Europeans come from? Where do you come from?

In this video MrWissen2go and Johannes Krause from Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History show that Europe was occupied in several migratory waves. For this reason scientists have concluded that we’re all migrants.

Svante Pääbo

Pioneer of paleogenetics: a profile of Max Planck researcher Svante Pääbo

Svante Pääbo, Director at the Max Planck Institut for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, was awarded the Körber Prize for his pioneering work in the field of paleogenetics on 7th September 2018. He is considered the founder of this research focus.

How did we become humans? Mirko Drotschmann & Harald Lesch

How did we become humans?

Humans have been on the Earth for around 300,000 years. But how did we become what we are today? 
Mirko Drotschmann & Harald Lesch – The history of humans Terra X



Plan B for cooling the Earth: Geoengineering

Geoengineering or Climate Engineering is an attempt to mitigate the greenhouse effect through technological solutions. But is that a good idea? What approaches are already realistic today? What are the pros – and the cons? 

Waldbrände im Amazonas-Regenwald

Forest fires in the Amazon rainforest

In the Amazon region there are terrible forest fires every year. Many of these fires are started deliberately. The situation is worsened by climate change and deforestation in the past. Inactive politicians and consumer behaviour have also contributed to the destruction of rainforests. How has the situation developed in the Amazon over the past few decades? 

Permafrost research in the Arctic

Permafrost research in the Arctic

The Arctic is warming up because of climate change. What does that mean for greenhouse gases in the atmosphere? Friedemann Reum and Mathias Göckede from the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry are measuring greenhouse gas concentration in the air on location – in the remote Ambarchik, on the Siberian coast of the North Polar Sea. With the data they obtain there, they can calculate how much carbon dioxide and methane is escaping from the permafrost ground into the atmosphere.

Our Brain

Synaesthesia – hearing colours, tasting sounds

Synaesthesia – hearing colours, tasting sounds

Just imagine that music is colourful – if a particular song is played, you can just see everything in red and yellow. Sunday tastes like strawberries. And if someone says the word “mud”, you feel cold. Sounds a bit weird? Many people actually do perceive the world in same way or similarly – people with synaesthesia?


Nudging = Manipulation?

Humans are incomplete, they often act for reasons of convenience and self-indulgence. Some politicians would like to change that, especially if that behaviour costs public money, or is detrimental to health or the environment. “Nudging” describes the attempt to guide human behaviour in a specific direction without specific rules or prohibitions by making a supposedly better alternative more attractive. One major topic in this context is organ donation. 

Synaptic plasticity – how the brain learns

Synaptic plasticity – how the brain learns

Synapses not only transmit electrical signals from one nerve cell to the next, they can also amplify or weaken the intensity of the signal. This so-called synaptic plasticity is the basis of learning and memory.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence

Really understanding artificial intelligence – Part 1

Artificial intelligence is a huge topic. The Doktor Whatson team got together with the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems to make a big video series on the subject of “Artificial Intelligence”. 

The big breakthrough – how artificial intelligence is changing our lives

The big breakthrough – how artificial intelligence is changing our lives

Ranga Yogeshwar travels to the research hotspots in the field of artificial intelligence in Europe, the USA and China. What’s coming our way next? How will artificial intelligence change our working environment and our everyday life?

Artificial intelligence explained in 5 minutes

Artificial intelligence explained in 5 minutes

This custom explainer video explains what artificial intelligence is – AI for short. youknow is one of the leading providers of explainer videos and e-learning solutions in German-speaking countries.


„Aber, wo hinein dehnt es sich aus? Was ist außerhalb des Universums?“ Timos Gehirn erlebt seinen eigenen privaten Urknall, als Lara ihm zwei aktuelle Theorien zur Entstehung des Universums erklärt.

Dachgeflüster, Episode 1: Urknall

„Aber, wo hinein dehnt es sich aus? Was ist außerhalb des Universums?“ Timos Gehirn erlebt seinen eigenen privaten Urknall, als Lara ihm zwei aktuelle Theorien zur Entstehung des Universums erklärt.

Dachgeflüster, Episode 2: Aufrechter Mensch

Dachgeflüster, Episode 2: Aufrechter Mensch

„Moment mal….mag keine Veränderungen, interessiert sich nicht für neues Zeug, beschmiert gerne Wände. Kann es sein, dass ich ein Neandertaler bin?“ Timo denkt über einige der unbeantwortbaren (und eine der ziemlich leicht beantwortbaren) Fragen zur menschlichen Entwicklung nach.

Dachgeflüster, Episode 3: Gehirn

Dachgeflüster, Episode 3: Gehirn

„Es scheint da oben lauter Hippos zu geben.“ Diese Folge ist für alle, die wie Timo denken, dass ein "Hippocampus" eine Universität für Miniatur-Nilpferde sein könnte. Ein Gespräch mit Lara gibt dem Gehirn des jungen Mannes einen flüchtigen, verwirrenden Einblick in seine eigene Brillanz.

Dachgeflüster, Episode 4: Künstliche Intelligenz

Dachgeflüster, Episode 4: Künstliche Intelligenz

Glaubst du, wir kommen an einen Punkt, an dem die künstliche Intelligenz die Macht erkennt, die wir ihr gegeben haben, und beschließt, uns zu versklaven? Timo und Lara denken über die Grenzen zwischen menschlicher und künstlicher Intelligenz nach – Grenzen, die man verschieben kann, andere, über die man entscheiden muss, und einige, die niemals überschritten werden können.


Dachgeflüster, Episode 5: Anthropozän

Dachgeflüster, Episode 5: Anthropozän

„Glaubst du wirklich, dass wir kurz vor dem Ende stehen?“ Lara und Timo stellen sich der ernüchternden Realität der Auswirkungen des Menschen auf unseren Planeten und fragen sich, was sie tun können, um ihn in eine bessere Zukunft zu führen.

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