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Julia Jaroschewski

Julia Jaroschewski


Julia Jaroschewski is an investigative journalist, political scientist and founder of BuzzingCities Lab, a thinktank that investigates the effects of digitalisation on security and criminal organisations in urban violence hotspots such as the favelas in Brazil. She also lectures in the area of security and drugs policy. Julia studied political science, sociology and communication sciences at the Free University of Berlin and the University of Coimbra. As a freelance foreign correspondent she has spent the past ten years reporting from Latin America, the USA, India and Africa for media such as Der Spiegel, Wired Magazine, Die Welt and FUNK, with a focus on foreign politics, organised crime / war on drugs and security policy.

She reported from Brazil and South Africa as a fellow of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation and the Dr. Alexander and Rita Besser Foundation. In 2016 she was part of the international journalism programme for South America, working for the Brazilian newspaper O Globo, and in India she worked as a media ambassador for the Robert Bosch Foundation. In 2018 she was project leader / fellow of the European Journalism Centre and the Gates Foundation and focused on the topic of “Alternative War on Drugs” in countries like Columbia and the Philippines, and in 2021 she was in Guinea-Bissau. She is a member of the Global Diplomacy Lab (GDL) and the Bosch Alumni Network.                                

Contributions by Julia Jaroschewski