Friedhelm Marx
Literary Scholar
Bamberg (Germany)
Prof. Dr Friedhelm Marx is a literary scholar, chair of Modern German Literature at the University of Bamberg and a Thomas Mann expert. Classical modernism is one of his principal research focuses. He is co-editor of the Große Kommentierte Ausgabe der Werke Thomas Manns (Great Annotated Edition of the Works of Thomas Mann), published by S. Fischer Verlag, co-editor of the new Thomas Mann Handbuch, vice-president of the Deutsche Thomas-Mann Gesellschaft since 2006 and chair of the jury of the Thomas Mann Prize of the city of Lübeck and the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts since 2017. His commentary on Thomas Mann’s essays from the late Weimar Republic will be published in 2025 alongside a graphic novel (produced in collaboration with Magdalena Adomeit and Julian Voloy), which traces Thomas Mann’s spectacular and politically controversial cross-border journey to Germany in 1949.