The Visitors: Slasher

  • The Visitors: Slasher | Manuel Osterholt © Manuel Osterholt
  • The Visitors: Slasher | Manuel Osterholt © Manuel Osterholt
  • The Visitors: Slasher | Manuel Osterholt © Manuel Osterholt
  • The Visitors: Slasher | Manuel Osterholt © Manuel Osterholt
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THE VISITORS is a stage production with a cast from Berlin and South Africa based artists. The show re-elaborates on the codes, aesthetics and dramaturgy of the teen-slasher horror cinema.

In the South African context, the unbearable violence systematized in the past by the colonial rule and the apartheid regime keeps resurfacing like the recent riots during the pandemic, when xenophobic and racist attacks spiked in the country. In THE VISITORS the violence and the horror convey the elaboration of the Other as a monster, the xenophobic constructions around the Nigerian immigrants and the real horrors of the colonial intruders that continue to influence current socio-political structures today.

During the piece, the terror is rippled by humorous absurdity as the protagonists gradually discover that dancing is the only way to drive the monsters away and start to embrace their spiritual and social powers.

Windybrow Arts Centre / Market Theatre Foundation, Johannesburg
Constanza Macras | Dorkypark, Berlin


Dieses Projekt ist Teil der Runde 13 des Internationalen Koproduktionsfonds, Jahr 2023.