Radio Bridge 2024
We build bridges. In cooperation with radioeins from rbb, once a year one of the Goethe-Instituts around the world is transformed into a studio from which live reports are broadcasted for several hours every day. Artists, journalists and politicians draw a profound and multi-voiced picture of the host country and its people.
The 2024 Radio Bridge broadcasted from October 07th to 10th from the Goethe-Institut in Krakow.
The 2024 Radio Bridge broadcasted from October 07th to 10th from the Goethe-Institut in Krakow.
The Radio Bridge, which is produced with radioeins from rbb (Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg), is one of the most successful cooperation projects between the Film, Television and Radio Department of the Goethe-Institut Head Office and a Goethe-Institut abroad.
The interviews, features and reports can be received in the rbb region via FM and can also be streamed via Furthermore, audio, pictures and videos of the radio bridge are regularly published on the social media channels and websites of the Goethe-Institut and radioeins.
The interviews, features and reports can be received in the rbb region via FM and can also be streamed via Furthermore, audio, pictures and videos of the radio bridge are regularly published on the social media channels and websites of the Goethe-Institut and radioeins.
Katrin Figge
Goethe-Institut Hauptstadtbüro
Alke Lorenzen
Presse & Information Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (rbb)