Effusive Boundaries

Projects 2024 | Round 14
Coproduction partners: John Aulich (Great Britain), Olivia Palmer-Baker (Germany)
The ‘leaky body’ is a concept from feminist theory that challenges notions of the human body as a fixed object; here, the previously well-defined boundaries of the body are made permeable and fluid, constantly changing relative to the environment.

Effusive Boundaries explores an indirect example of the ‘leaky body’ in the form of a concert-length work for bassoon, live electronics, and reactive lighting. The built-in spatialisation and ‘leaky’, unstable nature of the bassoon is brought into dialogue with this theory, amplified and translated with live electronics, and represented visually by a dynamic, live lighting system, which directly responds to the musical material. This live system benefits from variation, embraces the unknown and creates a space for spontaneity and trust in the present.

Due to the immersive nature of the performance and abstract nature of sound and light, audience members can claim the space to interpret the work as they wish, allowing them the chance to reflect and process their experiences and emotions both in relation to the piece and to their own lives. This is increasingly difficult to do but ever more essential due to the constant influence of overstimulating technology and media in our lives; Effusive Boundaries harnesses technology to produce a shared, communal experience in a live concert setting.

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