
Since the creation of the Forestry Law in Uruguay during 1987, Uruguay began a gradual process of transforming its productive landscape. A new economic, social, cultural and ecological paradigm is being formed, replacing and superimposing two hundred years of pastures and rolling fields - dedicated almost exclusively to livestock and agriculture - with brand new monoculture eucalyptus forests. This emerging market presents different challenges, problems, opportunities and possible futures that need to be addressed from various perspectives.
  • Satellite images (detail) © Federico Lagomarcino
    Satellite images (detail)
  • Satellite image (detail) © Federico Lagomarcino
    Satellite image (detail)
  • Concept © Federico Lagomarcino
  • Concept © Federico Lagomarcino
  • Concept © Federico Lagomarcino
  • Concept © Federico Lagomarcino
  • Satellite images (detail) © Federico Lagomarcino
    Satellite images (detail)
100x100x100 is a site and time specific artistic project that proposes the creation of a forest one hundred by one hundred meters away as an enclave to investigate, act and think towards the next hundred years. A proposal on a centenary scale, essential to act in the times of the landscape and new ecosystems. Located in Uruguay, this hectare will enable international cooperation and collaboration between the arts, sciences, architecture, botany and other disciplines, to address the culture of living in the forest, the search for biodiversity, healthy productive forests and construction of new environmental narratives. A place to problematize the future and ancestry, and begin a collaboration that perhaps could last a century.

The project aims to make this specific relationship visible and emphasize the discussion of the forest as an event that is actually of planetary scale and urgency. It will enable international, interdisciplinary and artistic cooperation in relation to forests and the landscape. It will enable the creation of new work networks and links between relevant actors - public, private and civil society - through this device. Likewise, it is intended to continue, reinforce and problematize cooperation between countries such as Germany and Finland, to the extent that these societies are founded on actions that have a direct impact on the environment and its future.

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