Taught to Travel (T2T)

Taught To Travel (T2T), is an exploration through the creation of a video repository of movement that is; taught, a method of learning, and constituted in the act of education. It takes the form of a roaming research programme, community facilitated video commissions and a discursive program.

T2T operates by creating open briefs that support the production of new video works that evidence the relation between migration and education in all their divergent interpretations. Through a collaborative curatorial process, these briefs are circulated amongst the community of local partners, edited through curatorial workshops and in dialogue with invited interlocutors in the public programme.
  • Installation view of Taught to Travel presented as a video piece at the exhibition Education Web in the Hamburg Kunstverein Photo: Courtesy of Taught to Travel, Artists
    Installation view of Taught to Travel presented as a video piece at the exhibition Education Web in the Hamburg Kunstverein
  • Fromager tree, symbol of mysticism film still from commissioned film by the artist Moustapha Mballo Dieng © Moustapha Mballo Dieng
    Fromager tree, symbol of mysticism film still from commissioned film by the artist Moustapha Mballo Dieng
  • Ndiakhass film still from commissioned film by the artist Halimatou Diallo © Halimatou Diallo
    Ndiakhass film still from commissioned film by the artist Halimatou Diallo
  • Pape Diop Emperor of the Medina film still from commissioned film, by the artist Modboye © Modboye
    Pape Diop Emperor of the Medina film still from commissioned film, by the artist Modboye
T2T is a framework that attempts to re-imagine the long cultural practice of people who are ‘on the move’, and what are the forms of moving that are not simply across land, but coded in forms of dance, gesture, ritual, and performance.

Through this the project recognises that migration exists in multiplicities, across geographic and temporal distances, and is encoded in a various modalities and rituals, that are all transmitted through acts of teaching. It aimed to be attentive to how these play out spatially, beginning with specifically designed school buildings, to domestic settings as oral narration, and the memory of objects, ritual performance and other cultural attitudes in a more widely disbursed ‘scene’.

T2T commissioned 15 short films from across Senegal, and were later exhibited as part of ‘The Education Web’ exhibition at the Hamburg Kunstverein. As an ongoing film-repoistory, these works contain not only documentation of leaning how to move, but became an active syllabus from which movement can be taught, with the aim that the collection that will be held and maintained by the partners for future reference, reflection and re-circulation.

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