Flashing lights between distant cities

ESCAPING INVOLUTION is a transnational collaboration project of a group of artists, curators and writers from Guangzhou and Frankfurt/Main unfolding through various interventions and openings in the two cities. "Involution" is translated from the Chinese word 内卷, Neijuan. The term went viral in Chinese social media in April 2020, describing a social environment that is both stagnant and restlessly busy. Neijuan is the feeling of having to run faster and faster just to avoid falling behind. It means endless overtime and late evenings behind office desks. Neijuan means being overwhelmed by competition at schools, universities, factories or on the marriage market. It refers to the social pressure of buying real estate and entering the property ladder while housing prices rise much faster than wages. Neijuan means parents spending their free time taking their four year old to private tutoring classes for ballet, table manners, piano, oil painting, karate, Lego school etc. Neijuan means having lost hope of changing the society for the betterment of all. The word 内卷 Neijuan is composed of the characters for "inside" and "roll" or "to roll" and is intuitively understood as something like "turning inwards" – "Involution" is the opposite of evolution, and it makes sense to see more in it than just a curious Chinese phenomenon. Johannes Agnoli used the concept of Involution to describe the "regression of democratic states, parties, theories into pre- or anti-democratic forms." Is Involution a global development in a world of stagnation and reinforcement of reactionary tendencies? In search of individual as well as collaborative and collective measures the project is flashing lights between two distant cities, to the contributions of Yifei Chen and Feihong Ou, Xiaotian Li, Christoph Plutte, Qiangyang Zuo, Naomi Rado, Tetsuro Pecoraro, Jeronimo Voss, Vanessa Opoku and Philisha Kay, Martin Stiehl, and their interventions in Guangzhou and Frankfurt/Main.

ESCAPING INVOLUTION is a collaboration between Times Museum's Huangbian Station Contemporary Art Research Center (HBS) in Guangzhou and Synnika in Frankfurt/Main, supported by the Visual Art Project Fund of the Goethe-Institute, the Hessisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst and the Kulturamt Frankfurt/Main.

ESCAPING INVOLUTION ist eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Times Museum's Huangbian Station Contemporary Art Research Center (HBS) in Guangzhou und Synnika in Frankfurt am Main, unterstützt durch den Visual Art Project Fund des Goethe-Instituts, das Hessische Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst und das Kulturamt Frankfurt am Main.

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