Discourse CITY MINE(D): Energy Meet & Meet Up

Thu, 11.01.2024

7:00 PM


Public Programme of POWER

With the open-ended process La Pile, Brussels-based design practice City Mine(d) contributes a citizen and end-user perspective to the energy question at large.

Launched almost 5 years ago with contributions by experts from academia, industry, policy and civil society, the process can tap into the rich experiences: the first energy community in a social housing estate, bringing together a mosque and a trade union to produce and share energy, and making the first steps towards a collective renovation process.

On the occasion of the POWER exhibition City Mine(d) re-invites the experts to draw up the (energy) balance after five years of La Pile. In an afternoon meeting experts and practitioners look more closely at what worked and what did not. From 7pm onwards during a public Meet Up they present their insights with the wider audience as a way to share what was learned, to inspire those who hesitate, and to eventually shape future action.

Parallel to the exhibition POWER, the Goethe-Institut Brussels supports the event series POWER Talks - a public program of lectures, roundtable discussions, and film screenings which among others features Thomas Auer, Daniel Barber, BC Architects, Oana Bogdan, Arno Brandlhuber, Koenraad Danneels, Andrés Jaque, Jeanette Kuo, Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, Philippe Rahm, Bas Smets, Paulo Tavares, Ola Uduku and many more.
