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New Stages Southeast Logo© kozlik_mozlik via AdobeStock

New Stages Southeast

New Stages Southeast invites playwrights and theater professionals from Southeast Europe to exchange and develop current materials and themes.The exchange takes place within the countries, between the countries and with authors from Germany.

Das Projekt

Starting point

Literature and theatre are an important part of the cultural dialogues in Southeastern Europe. The environment for theatre, especially for independent theatre has been difficult long before the Covid-19 crisis. It is especially important in these time to offer alternative ways for playwrights to present their plays to the dramaturges and to the audience.

Main idea 

How do social upheavals, migration and refugee flows, pandemics such as Covid-19, regressions on the way to European integration, regional conflicts and the ubiquity of populist, nationalist regimes influence contemporary theater? How does theater try to counteract negative trends and to contribute to the sustainable development of a (European-oriented) civil society?
It often seems that stage plays react faster, more directly and more specifically than other literary genres to distortions of all kinds, which consequently raises questions about current material and themes.
How is the plot constructed? How are characters and patterns developed? Which dramatic escalations should the audience see? What formal means of expression does contemporary theater use? What changes in media (use of video, film, social networks) is it experiencing? What about interdisciplinary approaches, the relationship to performance and the visual arts? Does theater see itself as an educational or awareness-raising institution?

Participating countries 

Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece (Athens / Thessaloniki), Croatia, Romania / Moldova, Serbia, Cyprus

The phases

The Workshops 

With the participation of well-known German-language stage authors, a total of 14 "New Stages South-East" workshops for authors from the participating countries are to be held in 2021 and 2022 (7 per year).  In the workshops the participants will get the opportunity to present and further develop their pieces and material under the direction of local multipliers as well as in the presence of invited authors from Germany.

The Catalogue

A catalogue for a regional training and development program for young playwrights will be developed by gathering the ideas and wishes of the workshop participants and the findings of the moderators.

the events

Personal experiences of playing and staging will take place as part of the project. Various events (festival, presentation, digital formats) will provide the proper stage for this.

Trip to germany 

In the third year of the project (in May 2023), the project should continue with an excursion to Germany: up to 18 playwrights from the participating countries will be invited to discuss their texts in a final workshop and present them to the public. 




Impressions 2021

  • THE ARISTOCRATS / 14.05., Theater „Vazrazhdane“ © Iliyan Ruzhin
    THE ARISTOCRATS / 14.05., Theater „Vazrazhdane“ (Script: Sasha Marianna Salzmann / Production: Gergana Dimitrova)
  • OLD WORRIES / 12.05., Theater „Vazrazhdane“ © Iliyan Ruzhin
    OLD WORRIES / 12.05., Theater „Vazrazhdane“ (Script: Maria Milisavljevic / Production: Kris Sharkov)
  • ALTE SORGEN / 12.05., Theater „Vazrazhdane“ © Iliyan Ruzhin
    OLD WORRIES / 12.05., Theater „Vazrazhdane“ (Script: Maria Milisavljevic / Production: Kris Sharkov)
  • PUSTONIA / 13.05., Theater „Vazrazhdane“ © Iliyan Ruzhin
    PUSTONIA / 13.05., Theater „Vazrazhdane“ (Performance-Reading by ProText 10, a production by the drama- and puppet theater „Ivan Radoev“ (Pleven), 36 monkeys / Script: Miroslav Hristov / Production: Ovanes Torosyan)
  • GLOVE / 15.05., Theater „Vazrazhdane“ © Iliyan Ruzhin
    GLOVE / 15.05., Theater „Vazrazhdane“ (Script: Presiyan Kuzov / Production: Presiyan Kuzov)
  • A CASE / 15.05. + 16.05., Goethe-Institute Bulgaria © Iliyan Ruzhin
    A CASE / 15.05. + 16.05., Goethe-Institute Bulgaria (Theater-installation / Script: Sabina Balan / Production: Nikolay Yordanov)
  • ARCHIVE: „MY NAME WAS...” / 15.05.+16.05., Goethe-Institute Bulgaria © Iliyan Ruzhin
    ARCHIVE: „MY NAME WAS...” / 15.05.+16.05., Goethe-Institute Bulgaria (Theater-installation / script: Burhan Kerim / production: Kristina Belomorska)
  • A DISCUSSION AFTER THE PERFORMANCE / 15.05., Goethe-Institute Bulgaria © Iliyan Ruzhin
    A DISCUSSION AFTER THE PERFORMANCE / 15.05., Goethe-Institute Bulgaria (A performance of the group Drama Pakt)
  • Forum Neue Dramatik: Materials, guidelines, repertoires / May 16, Goethe-Institut Bulgaria © Iliyan Ruzhin
    Forum Neue Dramatik: Materials, guidelines, repertoires / May 16, Goethe-Institut Bulgaria
  • PANOPTICON / 16.05., Goethe-Institut Bulgaria © Iliyan Ruzhin
    PANOPTICON / 16.05., Goethe-Institut Bulgaria
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NSSE2023 © Nikol Decheva


Die dritte Ausgabe des Festivals ist dem Thema "DRAMA UND POLITIK" gewidmet und findet vom 12. bis 18. Juni an vier verschiedenen Orten in Sofia statt.

Das Programm umfasst verschiedene thematische Diskussionen unter Beteiligung von Regisseuren, Kultur- und Theaterwissenschaftlern, szenische Lesungen neu übersetzter Stücke, eine dramaturgische Aktion zum Recycling von Stücken, eine Filmvorführung und Live-Musik.

Ivan Vyrypaev © Ivan Vazov Nationaltheater, 2023

Ivan Vyrypaev - Spezialgast der New Stages Southeast Sofia 2023

Special Guest der diesjährigen Ausgabe der New Stages Southeast Sofia, die unter dem Titel "Drama und Politik" stattfand, war einer der weltweit bekanntesten Dramatiker, Ivan Vyrypaev. Er kam auf Einladung des Nationaltheaters "Ivan Vazov", einem Partner des Festivals, und auf dem Programm stand am 18. Juni ein Gespräch mit ihm zum Thema "Theater und Politik - Felder der Überschneidung", das von Regisseur Galin Stoev geleitet wurde.

Nach der Diskussion fand in der Halle, die Teil der ProText-Plattform war, eine performative Lesung seines Stücks "Solarlinie" statt. Das Stück war eines von drei übersetzten Stücken aus der Selektion des bulgarischen Eurodram-Komitees, deren Präsentation ein separates Modul im Rahmen von New Stages Southeast war, organisiert von unseren Partnern "36 Monkeys".

Vyrypaev ist ein weltbekannter Dramatiker, Autor von mehr als 25 Stücken, die in mehr als 250 Theatern weltweit aufgeführt wurden, und gehört damit zu den Top 10 der berühmtesten Dramatiker der Welt. Im Mai 2022. Ivan Vyrypaev nahm die polnische Staatsbürgerschaft an und gab seine russische Staatsbürgerschaft auf. Ein Jahr später, am 17. Mai 2023, erließ das Basmanny-Gericht in Moskau einen Haftbefehl in Abwesenheit gegen ihn und er wurde zur Fahndung ausgeschrieben. Die Anklage stützte sich auf das neue Gesetz für "Fake News" über die Armee.

Eine vollständige Aufzeichnung der Diskussion finden Sie HIER.


New Stages Southeast 2022 © Виктория Николова


Второто международно издание на проекта New Stages Southeast на Гьоте-институт за нова драматургия от региона на Югоизточна Европа предложи серия от сценични четения и пърформанси на пет различни локации в периода 9 – 12 юни в София.

New Stages Southeast (Programm der Aufführungen in Bulgarien) © Goethe-Institut

The project begins in Sofia with a series of scenic readings and performances from May 12th to 16th. The program includes texts by Maria Milisavljevic and Sasha Marianna Salzmann, two exciting playwrights on the German theater scene.


Media partner

Media partner New Stages Southeast© Goethe-Institut Bulgaria