Postcards & Posters

2 hours // 
Painting // graphic art // collage // poster art
Graphic printshop // theory of form // typography // illustration // Bauhaus Exhibition Weimar 1923

Paul Klee - Ausstellungspostkarte anlässlich der Bauhausausstellung in Weimar im Jahr 1923
public domain

  • Blank postcards
  • A3 paper
  • coloured paper
  • coloured pencils
  • ruler
  • scissors
  • glue sticks
  • magazines to cut up
  • Optional: stamps


The first Bauhaus exhibition was held in Weimar in 1923. It aimed to show the results of the first four years of teaching at the Bauhaus. The Bauhaus students designed posters and postcards to advertise the exhibition and the school’s ideas. This module uses the posters and postcards from 1923 to convey insights into poster art, advertising and typography at the Bauhaus. The participants the design their own postcards and posters for their own school or a particular school event.

Step 1: The module begins with a brief introduction to the exhibition in Weimar. Participants view the posters and postcards designed by the various Bauhaus students and masters and compare typography, technique and composition. The poster by Joost Schmidt is especially striking. Which colours and forms did he use and combine? What makes his design so powerful?

Step 2: In the next step the participants design their own postcards and/or posters. How would they represent their school? Is there a special school event they would like to draw attention to? Perhaps a commemoration, a play, a concert or a sports day?

Step 3: All the required information is gathered (date, place, type of event, etc.) and one or more techniques are selected (collage, drawing). Which colours, forms and motifs convey a good impression of the event? Which colours are best suited to convey the desired feelings and emotions? How should the words and images be arranged to make the information easy to understand?

Step 4: The finished posters and postcards are displayed and viewed by the group. Are there similarities? Which designs do the participants like best? Could they actually be reproduced and used for the event?

  • Dörte Helm - Bauhaus-Exhibition Postcard Nr. 14 public domain

  • Paul Klee - Postcard 1923 public domain

    Paul Klee - Postcard 1923

  • The Bright Side postcard. Lithograph. Paper: Cream, smooth, wove (board) public domain

    The Bright Side postcard. Lithograph. Paper: Cream, smooth, wove (board)

  • Joost Schmidt - Bauhaus-Exhibition 1923 public domain

    Joost Schmidt - Bauhaus-Exhibition 1923

  • Theo van Doesburg - Design for a poster for the Section d'Or exhibition public domain

    Theo van Doesburg - Design for a poster for the Section d'Or exhibition

Module for download
