Program Highlights

Goethe 20/20 Title © Goethe-Institut Toronto

20 thoughts on cultural entanglement

In programmatic clusters, the Goethe-Institut Toronto is looking into the distance with depth perception and sharpened focus. So are our renowned international partners, who have generously added their voices to the question of what the Goethe-Institut means: what it can do, should do, and how it matters in the cultural ecology; how we facilitate change and build community; and how we can enable meaningful and relevant cultural involvement and engagement for wide audiences.

Fem City © M. Teneva on Unsplash


“The Feminist City is an ongoing experiment in living differently, living better, and living more justly in an urban world.” – Leslie Kern

Jumping off Canadian urbanist Leslie Kern’s book Feminist City: Claiming Space in a Man-Made World, the Goethe-Institut reads, listens, and exchanges ideas with Torontonians on a better and mre just city.

Atom Egoyan, Media Space, Goethe-Institut Toronto Photo: Goethe-Institut Toronto

Goethe Space

The Goethe Space showcases several artistic positions from Germany, Canada and beyond each year. It serves as a hub that focuses on pertinent developments in the current international arts and culture scene in Germany (including European and Canadian-German artists) and strives to open up the work that is hosted to an expanded intercultural dialogue.

Guests at Christie Pitts Film Screening © TOPS

German Film @ Canada

As Toronto is one of the most vibrant hubs for film culture in North America, in addition to its original programming, the Goethe-Institut Toronto proudly collaborates with a diverse group of partners to host exceptional screenings of work by German artists and filmmakers or with thematic connections to Germany. Collaborations are emphasizing diverse diasporic communities around the world, as well as the richness of historical and contemporary co-productions, with the institute co-presenting short, docs, animations and feature films.

Goethe Films, Toronto Photo: Goethe-Institut Toronto


GOETHE FILMS brings the best of German film to Toronto audiences. The series offers film lovers the opportunity to see a top selection of German contemporary arthouse film in Toronto’s premier cinema.


European Union Film Festival Toronto

Founded in 2005 by and at the Goethe-Institut under the playful moniker “Eh! U Meet the Europeans” as a celebration of a diverse but joint cultural expression, the EUFF kicked off with an ambitious and enthusiastic program of 15 participating countries. 

Dr. Deepali Dewan (ROM), Prof. Gerald McMaster (OCADU), and Goethe-Institut Toronto's Program Curator, Jutta Brendemühl, during Culture talks @ Goethe: Photography & the Exotic Other Photo: Goethe-Institut Toronto/Marko Kovacevic

Culture talks @ Goethe

Imagine a new kind of cultural talk show, cultivating fresh conversations with some of Canada’s and Germany’s most celebrated and innovative curators, culture makers, artists and commentators.
