Workshop series Creative AI

AI human hand und machine © shutterstock

Wed, 04/21/2021 -
Wed, 09/15/2021

18:00 - 8:00 PM

Workshops on algorithmic culture

Presented by Ferment AI
as part of the Goethe-Institut Toronto‘s Algorithmic Culture project

The Goethe-Institut Toronto is committed to engaging with diverse voices to determine new pathways in exploring AI’s impact on the future of culture in a 2021-22 program called Algorithmic Cultures. Workshops, podcasts, ‘zines and residencies will connect artists, experts, and audiences between Berlin and Toronto, Canada and Germany, Europe and the world. 
Launching the project, Jerrold McGrath, former Program Director at the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity and Artscape Launchpad, runs a series of participatory workshops to discuss issues, ideas, and approaches to the rapid changes in culture underway driven by algorithmic acceleration. Open to everyone!
April 21, 2021: The Inside and Outside of AI: Interiority in AI Art EVENTBRITE Tickets
May 12, 2021: Augmented Intelligence: AI and the Creative Practice EVENTBRITE Tickets
June 16, 2021: The Future of Intimacy in AI
July 28, 2021: Introduction to Blockchain for Artists and Creators EVENTBRITE Tickets

 All workshops & discussion 6-8pm EST. Please register for each event as the Eventbrite links go live above.
Jerrold McGrath is currently the program lead for the Goethe-Institut Toronto's Algorithmic Culture program and Managing Director at UKAI Projects. Jerrold has spent the last three years consulting with various affected sectors in Canada, Germany, and elsewhere around the implications of AI on art and creativity.

Ferment AI hosts regular workshops around the opportunities and challenges of conceiving and delivering AI-enabled systems.
