About us

White thread construction in black room, screen with beach and waves © Arsenał Galerie

White thread construction in black room, screen with beach and waves © Arsenał Galerie

Communicating with the world.
For diversity, understanding and trust.

We connect people all over the world. As a cultural institution of the Federal Republic of Germany, we promote cultural exchange, education and societal discourse in an international context, and support the teaching and learning of the German language. Together with our partners, we focus on global opportunities and challenges, bringing different perspectives into a dialogue based on trust. We regard the ability to listen and to reflect as the key to understanding. We are bound by principles of transparency, diversity and sustainability. These principles characterise our services and our way of working.


Tasks and Targets

We promote the study of German abroad and encourage international cultural exchange.


Current job opportunities and internships in Canada

60 Years
Goethe-Institut Kanada


Since 1962, Canada’s Goethe-Instituts have been connecting people through language, culture and education. In 2022, we were delighted to present a review of six decades of language and cultural work from the institutes in Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto.

60 years Goethe-Institut Kanada © Franz Kimmel © Franz Kimmel

Come visit us!

Goethe-Institut Montreal

1626 boul. St-Laurent
Bureau 100
Montreal H2X 2T1

Tel. 514 499 0159

Goethe-Institut Montreal © Jean-Guy Lambert

Goethe-Institut Ottawa

352 MacLaren Street
Ottawa K2P 0M6


Goethe-institut Ottawa © Katja Melzer

Goethe-Institut Toronto

100 University Ave, North Tower, 2nd Floor
Toronto M5J 1V6


Goethe-Institut Toronto © Goethe-Institut Toronto/ Calvin Thomas

1626 boul. St-Laurent
Bureau 100
Montreal H2X 2T1

Tel. 514 499 0159

Goethe-Institut Montreal

Goethe-Institut Montreal © Jean-Guy Lambert

352 MacLaren Street
Ottawa K2P 0M6


Goethe-Institut Ottawa

Goethe-institut Ottawa © Katja Melzer

100 University Ave, North Tower, 2nd Floor
Toronto M5J 1V6


Goethe-Institut Toronto

Goethe-Institut Toronto © Goethe-Institut Toronto/ Calvin Thomas