Window Projections "Labour in a Single Shot: Marseille. Portrait of a City“ d'Antje Ehmann und Eva Stotz

"Labour in a single shot: Marseille. Portrait of a city" by Antje Ehmann und Eva Stotz © Antje Ehmann and Eva Stotz / n.b.k

Mon, 10/30/2023 -
Sun, 11/05/2023

Goethe-Institut Montreal

"Labour in a single shot: Marseille. Portrait of a city" by Antje Ehmann und Eva Stotz

n.b.k. Video-Forum | Window Projections

The Goethe-Institut Montreal, in cooperation with the Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.), presents a screening programme of 20 video works from n.b.k Video-Forum’s extensive video art collection, curated by Anna Lena Seiser (Head of Collection n.b.k. Video-Forum).

The individual films will be shown for a week at a time sunset to 2:00 a.m. on the display windows of the Goethe-Institut at 1626 Boul. St-Laurent, Montréal, Québec, H2X 2T1, Canada and can be viewed on an indoor screen during the Goethe-Institut's opening hours:

Labour in a Single Shot: Marseille. Portrait of a city composed by Labour-in-a-Single-Shot films

Antje Ehmann, Eva Stotz
36:13 min.
Collection Video-Forum, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.)

Labour in a Single Shot is based on workshops conducted around the world, where participants produce one- to two-minute videos recorded in a single shot. The camera can be static, panning, or moving – the only prerequisite is that there are no cuts. Their object of investigation is work in its many and varied forms: paid or unpaid, material or immaterial, traditional or new forms of labor in the digital sector. The topic of cinematic work itself, various methods of image production, and collective work are further themes addressed in Labour in a Single Shot. Marseille. Portrait of a City, composed of Labour-in-a-Single-Shot films, was created in 2018 during a workshop in Marseille and consists of 20 individual portraits of the following occupations: film projectionist, knife sharpener, orange vendor, bodybuilder, fish pedicurist, technician, fishmonger, hairdresser, helper for illiterate people, animal vendor, video editor, firefighter, writer, construction machine operator, butcher, tailor, clothes sorter, construction worker, musician, street sweeper.

Antje Ehmann (*1968 in Gelsenkirchen, lives in Berlin) is a curator, writer, and artist. She has addressed the history of film and urban development in numerous exhibitions, artistic projects, and publications. Until her death in 2014, Ehmann also worked together with filmmaker and author Harun Farocki, with whom she initiated the serial project Labour in a Single Shot in 2011. Stotz and Ehmann have continued Labour in a Single Shot since 2017.

Eva Stotz (*1979 in Isny, lives in Berlin) is a documentary filmmaker and director whose works include examinations of the effects of globalization.
