Advice and service

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The Cooperation for the teaching of German (BKD) works with various partners in Cameroon: the Ministry of Secondary Education, German teachers' associations and a network of disseminators. Together we support German as Foreign Language teachers and secondary schools in Cameroon, Gabon, the Central African Republic and the Republic of Congo in the teaching of German and through the promotion of activities related to the German language. Our services include:

  • Further training events for German teachers and German multipliers
  • Scholarships and support initiatives for German teachers and learners
  • Consultation and advice on teaching materials for German
  • Current literature and links for the learning and teaching of GFL
  • Cultural events and competitions for secondary school students.

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Lehrbücher und Lehrerhandbücher

An kamerunischen Sekundarschulen wird vorwiegend mit dem Lehrwerk „Ihr und Wir Plus“ unterrichtet.

