Osman Abdelhalem

Osman Abdelhalem ©Ali Zaraay

Othman Abdel Halim, a pharmacist and freelance journalist from Sudan, has a keen interest in environmental and health issues. He writes for many Sudanese and regional websites such as Eye Network and Climate Tracker. He is also the founder of Zoal Post.

My Areas of Interest:

Effects of climate change on wheat yield

“As part of the Goethe-Institut workshop, I prepared and published a video on the impact of climate change on the productivity of wheat in Sudan. This video explains the problem and suggests a solution. I chose this topic because of its importance to Sudan: The wheat crop is of great strategic and economic importance for Sudan. At the same time, Sudan is one of the countries most affected by climate change.”

  Here you can find his publications as part of the "Journalism and Science Project in North Africa and the Middle East” 1

  Here you can find his publications as part of the "Journalism and Science Project in North Africa and the Middle East” 2
