short biography of Behailu Gebreegziabher

Behailu Gebreegziabher © Behailu Gebreegziabher Behailu Gebreegziabher is a well-known Ethiopian writer, especially the humour of his short stories about social and political issues is popular among his readers.
He has also made a name for himself as a story reader: since childhood, he has read literature for children on the radio and on various stages such as Tobya Jazz. During the COVID period, he read short stories by various authors, including German short stories, for our online Goethe Reading Club on his YouTube channels "Eneho Tube" for adults and "Eneho Lelijoch" for children.
As part of the Kafka Year 2024, Behailu Gebreegziabher will read short stories from Franz Kafka selected short prose in Amharic.

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