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Contact and Enrolment

Three students work together in the classroom with learning materials. © Bemnet Fekadu
Interested in one of our language courses or need further information? Feel free to drop in to our language course office for some personal advice.

Due to very high demand for language courses and exams, all enrolments go through a waiting list. To register on the waiting list, please contact the language course office of the Goethe-Institut in Addis Abeba by e-mail or telephone.

Ermias Gebreyes
Head of Language Courses
Tel. +251 11 1242345/46
Fax +251 11 1242350


Monday - Friday
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 5.30pm

Dates and prices

All course dates in Addis Abeba

Test your German

Test how „gut“ your German is: Are you just starting out, pretty good or really great? This test gives you a first orientation. 
